Parchu Pentir Community group visited to Y Plot on Thursday 6th July.
Firstly a huge thank you to Coryn Bye, who runs Y Plot, for making us very welcome and for giving us so much of her time as well as the delicious refreshments, especially the ginger cookies.
Y Plot is a community garden project providing a space of beauty, verdant growth and tranquillity alongside the cycle path in Tregarth. Coryn aims for it to be an area that anyone can come to and rest, find some peace or get involved practically. There are many plants thriving in this “allotment” space on the edge of Pandy farm. Vegetables, fruits, flowers, shrubs and trees. Cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers are growing in the greenhouse, lots of beans and berries are outside amongst loads of flowers. It is chemical free, using a no dig policy but layering on sea weed, cardboard, cut grass and sheep’s wool to ensure the soil is full of nutrients. Flowers are blooming in abundance and all the other plants obviously like being there.
Coryn told us about the various interesting projects that different people have engaged in on the plot including using flowerheads for dyeing and calendula for making balm, carpentry to make useful resources in the space and horticultural work in the garden.
We very much enjoyed our visit and learned a huge amount from Coryn while enjoying sharing this lovely space with her. Y Plot is a community space so go along and spend some time there or drop in as you are passing but please close the gate on leaving. Coryn is there a lot but always on Thursdays between 1:30 and 4pm.