Hope you are all enjoying the wonderful Easter weather.
This message is to update you in relation to the situation in and around Pentir. More of you have come forward to volunteer and others to restate and emphasise your readiness to help. Thank you all. Those who are self-isolating are being supported, and thankfully we are not aware of any other villagers who need support because they are unwell. If you do hear of individuals in the village who do need support but who are not on this mailing list, please let us know via post@pentir.org.uk.
Councillor Menna Baines has provided us with small amounts of hand sanitiser, gloves and volunteer badges (thank you Menna). If you are volunteering and need these items please get in touch.
Additional information has been added to the website, such as contact numbers, health and well being matters, and means of obtaining food and services by delivery (pentir.org.uk).
We will send out a newsletter as the need arises, and if you have information which could be included or added to the website please let us know.
All the best,
Parchu Pentir Respect